dental implant prosthetic being placed on dental implant posts.
Dealing with one or more missing teeth? For those who have missing teeth, they should …
a patient smiling over his bowl of food at the dinner table because he has had a comprehensive dental implant procedure.
When it comes to giving patients reliable and lasting new smiles, a trusted doctor can …
an older patient smiling at herself through a hand held mirror she's holding in front of herself with the doctor smiling over her with his dental mask on because she is a candidate for dental implants.
While people may know what dental implants are, they may not know what factors determine …
jawline skin being pulled back to show the underlying bone graft.
Dental implants are a popular treatment option for those who are missing teeth or are …
a full mouth dental implant model with dental crowns and a dental bridge.
When people have a full arch of missing or damaged teeth, it can affect their …
a dental implant dentist holding an oversized dental implant model.
Dealing with a less than stellar smile can certainly be a drag and impact a …